Hola. ¿Qué tal? Bienvenido a mi mundo oscuro, donde tengo muchas historias por contar para ustedes. Un lugar dónde predomina la belleza de ser maligno, así cómo el misterio que abunda en cada esquina. Historias que te adentran a lo insano, lo tóxico y lo perverso. SANGRE, PASIÓN, MISTERIO Y DESEO. La clave de este coctel perfecto.

*It's no necessary go to the hell. Because the hell are here*

Sígueme en instagram: .wattp69

Todos los derechos reservados ©


Hi. How are you? Welcome to my dark world, where I have many stories to tell for you. A place where the beauty of being evil predominates, as well as the mystery that abounds in every corner. Stories that take you into the insane, the toxic and the perverse. BLOOD, PASSION, MYSTERY AND DESIRE. The key to this perfect cocktail.

* It's not necessary to go to the hell. Because the hell are here*

Follow me in instagram .wattp69

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