Echoes of The Deep


—Guards of Mahmud III! We know that there are people inside this shelter! Open the door right now! —They smashed the door with a hammer, after waiting in silence for a few seconds.

When the door has fallen, they immediately rush against me. Putting me on the floor and putting a bag over my face before I could see something. The last thing I could see was Can's face in his eyes shining as ever. His expression says so much and also nothing, just sadness but I could perceive Can had good intentions… Just like me, my comrades were heavily attacked or perhaps was a product of my imagination and the drunkenness.

I could barely walk with this stupid bag over my head. They hit me over my temple, wounded me and made me bleed. Meanwhile I'm hearing voices but they are unintelligibly where nothing is not clear at all, I'm getting confused and disoriented, the lights of the old tunnels are too weak to see something just noticing that the lights are slowly passing every corner that I walk. From this point I lost my sense of orientation in the bunker, my home is now hostile for me… I have walked for a while and I don't know when this shit it's going to finish and where I am. They opened an unimaginable quantity of doors, each one with more delayed and more passwords. We finally entered the last door. They sat me in a wooden chair, handcuffing me to its armrests.

—We have arrived Mahmud III —The soldiers said simultaneously.

—Remove the bag from him —Ordering Mahmud III to their soldiers.

They removed the bag from my head. When they removed it, I felt the strangest sensation ever, my eyes were blinded by the intense light of the room, disoriented, lost and worried because I don't know why I am here, noticing that there are two soldiers that are backing the Sultan. I know that something it's wrong, again. The room walls are completely covered with steel, tempered glass and full of imperial decorations, even the chair where I'm sitting could cost more than one hundred bottle-tops. I've never seen this before in my entire life.

—Do you know why are you here? —Mahmud III said—. You are in big trouble my man. We have discovered your secret bastard! We can not accept that in our Bunker. Do you know what I mean huh?

I just stay in silence for a while. Waiting for a response or something to this strange question. I know that I haven't reported my arrival and what things I brought with me but…

—So, the bastard has decided to stay in silence. Alright… alright. I'm going to tell you what we have discovered… —Mahmud III showed my belongings—. Is this familiar to you?

Mahmud III puts them on the table that is in front of me meanwhile Demir appears from the Darkness.

—Well, we have found a lot of strange things inside such as signs and medals from other enemy bunkers, ammunition and guns which are impossible to find outside, where you were assigned to go. But this is not as important as the thing that we found in your camp. —Showing a knife.

«Oh my God, this is going to be my end, this can't be happening. How have they unlocked my safe? Who was responsible for destroying me?». I wondered.

—We have discovered that you are responsible for killing the first Sultan in our City! —Mahmud III starts to yell—. We finally will receive mercy from Allah and from our citizens.

—NO! This is an error. —I said—. I swear! I could explain it, that knife doesn't belong to me. Aslan said…

—Shut up! —Mahmud III yelling—. You have done the plot to kill our loved Sultan, Selim II. I'm ordering to decapitate you in Şuraya. You don't deserve forgiveness…

Mahmud III was interrupted due to an alarm that its origin was outside of the room… Then, a soldier break in the interrogatory room saying that some soldiers on the corridors are passed out and without uniform, that information prompted Mahmud III to give an immediate order to his soldiers and Demir to leave the room to look what is happening outside.

The soldiers as fast as they could in order to look around what was happening, they left the room and left Mahmud III alone. Right after the soldiers have left the room, the soldier that has sounded the alarm without hesitation decides to rush against a surprised Mahmud, moving him into the wall, hitting him several times at the point that he falls down on the ground.

Kaan! I'll save you! —The soldier shouts.

He stopped for a moment checking his surroundings, recovering the composure. He took my handcuffs off. Underneath the helmet of the soldier, I could have perceived the face of Can.

Can? Are you? —I asked.

—I have to tell you right now Kaan what's happening. —Can explain me —. Here it isn't safe for you and for your loved ones, you are in big, big trouble. They set the alarm in the entire city since they have kidnapped you. When I recovered my conscience, I was alone; neither Demir nor Aslan woke up with me either. I tried to reach them but they had disappeared, so I just followed you from far through the ventilation system and fortunately I found you.

That explains everything, I have been betrayed by my "savior" and my "comrade".

—Ok, ok, I got it. Thanks, Can, for saving me, we have to get out of here now. Until the entire empire would find us. —We jumped to the vent system and started to crawl.

On the vent system it was possible to hear the tons of soldiers walking to the main room where I was kidnapped, and how the alarms were sounding in the entire city. I can not see clearly inside this old vent system. I'm just following the steps of my unique friend at this moment, Can. «Should I tell Can why I was kidnapped». I wondered… A horrifying silence has flooded the tiny passages. The alarms stopped, the soldiers stopped to walk, what was happening. After an exhausting crossing, we arrived at Can's shelter, entering from a little vent door that was set on the top of the ceiling of his shelter.

#2252 en Otros
#391 en Acción
#151 en Aventura

En el texto hay: postapocaliptico, distopico

Editado: 16.10.2024

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