El retorno del Dios Dragón

Chapter 443 - Dominating the City

After leaving the encirclement, Lin Mo didn't head to the ancient city but instead returned to his original cave. It wasn't that he didn't want to go to the city; it was because he didn't dare. Even though he had suppressed Ziyao here, the ancient city was under attack by seven different armies. If he went there, he'd be lucky to escape with his life.

Seeing Lin Mo return to the cave nonchalantly, Ziyao became even more certain of Lin Mo's strength. After all, under the siege of so many demonic creatures, being able to return so confidently meant he had some sort of backup.

Ziyao thought back to Lin Mo's actions earlier, his display of power against him and Qing E, and he couldn't help but acknowledge that Lin Mo was undoubtedly a formidable expert. However, he had no idea that during the journey back to the cave, Lin Mo had been drenched in cold sweat.


As dawn approached, Lin Mo sensed the sounds of demonic beasts moving outside. It seemed that in the morning, Ziyao's demonic beast army had retreated. This time, Ziyao had given specific orders, so even though they knew there was someone inside the cave, the demonic beasts didn't come to harass.

When everything quieted down, Lin Mo emerged from the cave. After confirming that there was no danger through his spiritual sense, he set off toward the nearest ancient city.

"I hope Luo Yao is safe," Lin Mo muttered to himself. Although Luo Yao was following Xiao Tianyi, a peak-level expert at the Sixth Heaven of the Elemental Foundation Realm, she couldn't be relied upon completely. If she were in mortal danger, Lin Mo was certain she would betray her teammates to save herself.

After traveling for over an hour, Lin Mo finally saw the outline of the ancient city. The city was massive, but its towering walls had been worn down by the passage of time and were now in ruins. Underneath the city walls lay the corpses of many demonic beasts and some human martial artists. Yesterday's battle had been fierce, but because Ziyao hadn't personally participated, the losses on the demonic beast side were much greater than those on the human side.

As Lin Mo passed through the battlefield, he could smell the pungent odor of blood and decaying flesh. Below the city walls, some wounded warriors were frantically absorbing the rich elemental energy of the day. Yesterday's battle had consumed their energy reserves, and they needed to replenish them.

On the city walls, there were several strong auras. What surprised Lin Mo was that there were more than ten figures blocking the entrance to the city, and their auras were exceptionally strong.

"What's going on?" Lin Mo walked over, puzzled. Normally, warriors who had fought against the demonic beasts would enter the city for rest and recovery. Why were these individuals standing outside and sighing?

"Mori, we fought all night. Even if we didn't achieve much, we still put in the effort. Can't you let us in?" A young man covered in blood said.

Among the group blocking the city gate, a guy with a sharp face sneered, "When you came to this ancient city yesterday, didn't you understand the rules? Without ten stalks of third-grade spirit herbs, you can't enter the city. Have you forgotten?"

Hearing this, the injured young men couldn't help but sigh.

"We fought all night for you. We've already used up all our spirit herbs. Where are we supposed to find more to give you?" the bloody young man protested.

"This is Longlin Academy's rule. I can't do anything about it," Mori said with a gloomy expression. After experiencing the fierce battle yesterday, they realized how dangerous this ancient relic was, especially at night. Without enough spirit herbs to replenish their energy and resist the demonic beasts, they wouldn't survive.

"Are they trying to dominate the city? And they're so heartless about it," Lin Mo thought to himself. He understood that these people from Longlin Academy, who were relatively stronger, had taken control of the ancient city and were demanding spirit herbs as an entry fee. Even those who had fought and contributed couldn't enter if they didn't have the required herbs. Furthermore, if someone wanted to re-enter the city after leaving to fight the demonic beasts, they would need to pay the fee again.

"What a despicable act by Longlin Academy," someone murmured in a low voice. These injured warriors had exhausted their spirit herbs during the intense battle and had no opportunity to obtain more.

Lin Mo scanned the situation and, not seeing Luo Yao, proceeded to walk toward the city gate. While he sympathized with the unfortunate warriors, he couldn't be their savior. In this cruel ancient relic, who would willingly offer their spirit herbs to help strangers?

"Ten stalks of third-grade spirit herbs," Mori demanded again as Lin Mo approached.

Lin Mo didn't hesitate and took out ten stalks of third-grade spirit herbs from his Qiankun Pouch, tossing them over.

At the same time, a chilling killing intent radiated from Lin Mo's body, which startled Mori and the others, causing them to take a step back.

When they regained their composure, Lin Mo had already entered the city.

"Damn it!" Mori spat on the ground, his face filled with resentment. However, he didn't have the courage to stop Lin Mo. Moreover, he remembered that Lishao was in the city, which made him feel a bit more secure.

"How can you be so heartless?" one of the injured warriors muttered. They had fought all night for the city's defense, yet the people from Longlin Academy were demanding spirit herbs from them.

"Hehe." Lin Mo sneered silently. Once again, he took out ten stalks of third-grade spirit herbs and threw them over.

At the same time, a bone-chilling killing intent emanated from him, causing Mori and the others to involuntarily take a step back in fear.


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