That day, that call on that cell phone,
"We have to talk" That phrase terrifies many, but it terrifies me even more.
My soul froze and I began to tremble, more because I knew it was about to end.
We saw each other that day, it was like a normal day,
Although inside we knew that Something bad was going to happen.
The afternoon had arrived,
Your eyes met mine, they seemed to cry out in pain,
The rain came, it seemed like a horror movie,
However, what separated us was love.
I told you how I felt and that I would never forget you,
You told me that you loved me and what there was of you,
The tears were present, that night it was felt,
Our last kiss, and the most beautiful and pure love there was,
Too bad not all of them are wonderful.
That was when the experiences became memories,
Those years crying in my room,
I wondered at every moment how you were,
It was a very strong process of improvement,
But the improvement never happened.
4 years passed I still felt like it was my fault,
My parents hated you but then they understood and it worries them,
They see me very sad and alone, they see me very hidden,
Now I'm an adult receiving an apology,
Of my parents who now blame themselves,
But that doesn't mean I hate it, because we are human
And anger and misunderstanding sometimes occupy us.