Infatuated Desire

In his Embrace

"Dawood, what you did of the work I assigned you?"
He picked up the glass of wine right in front of his tablet and finished it in one go. He again started pouring more from the nearby bottle into his glass.
"Stop it Wadan. Today you drink too much. It's also not good for your health."
Ignoring his question, Dawood said in a concerned voice.
Whenever something irk him then he always used to make himself drunken. As if it is the only way for him to neglect his problem.
"Answer me what I asked Dawood. Don't need to become my father."
He said sternly with red burning eyes. It was his drunken state which was speaking otherwise he never talked this way with him.
"You don't worry. Every moment, I am keeping my eye on Khan. Before he does anything I will be aware of him."
He briefed him in detail. Meanwhile, he engulfed another glass down his throat.
"Alright. Not a single mistake must happen. And now you go. I want to be alone now."
He said taking the glass to his lips.
"I think Wadan you also need to take a rest now. You don't seem well."
He again said to him. But it wasn't affecting the one in his front.
"I told you, go from here. Leave me alone."
He barked in rage. On his loud voice, Hadia who was entering his study room stopped at her place.
Dawood, who just turned to leave, stopped for a moment on seeing Hadia on his behind. He then placed his hand on her head patting her and then left from there.
After his leave, Hadia stood silently gazing at Wadan who was unaware of her presence and making himself drunk drop by drop.
"Wadan are you alright? Today you didn't take your lunch. I'm getting worried for you."
In a tense, she asked him fidgeting her fingers. He was still unknown of her presence.
"I told you to leave me alone. Why don't you understand a simple thing?"
On Hadia's voice, using his full force he smashed the glass in his hand on the wall.
On his this extreme reaction, Hadia shuddered in her place.
She was concerned about Wadan who seemed to be tense since morning. If it was some other time then she would have run away getting scared.
But the man sitting right in front is not anyone else but her husband. And she can't let him alone in this state.
That's why taking slow steps she came near him and sat beside him on the sofa.
"When you can't let me alone in my worries and sickness then how can I let you alone?"
She said looking at him who was sitting with his eyes closed and his head on the back of the sofa.
He immediately opened his eyes on listening to Hadia's voice coming from very closer to him. He turned his neck to look at Hadia who was staring at him with her eyes full of love and deep feelings.
Don't know what was there in her gaze that he can't control the surge of emotions arising in him. He encircled his arm in her back and pulled her closer to his chest.
On his this act, Hadia became motionless for some moments.
Feeling his warm breaths on her neck, she came back to her senses. She was caught in a strange feeling.
Wadan's strong hands were encircling her back. Hiding his face in her hair he almost took her in his lap.
In the utter silence of the study room, both can listen to the uneven heart beating of each other.
"Stay away from me Hadia, otherwise everything will be destroyed one day."
He said when his face was hidden in her hair. His lips were grazing on Hadia's neck while he was saying.
Whole blood from Hadia's body drained and came together on her face feeling his warm touch.
"I can't make you come to stand on that path from where there's no going back."
Now he separated himself from her and held her face in his both hands.
"Wadan I am already on that path from where there's no going back."
She looked into his eyes which has been turned red because of drinking. While on her answer, Wadan's gaze was looking at her every facial feature very deeply.
His heart extremely yearned to kiss her every facial feature. And he was about to obey his heart's desire and leaned on her face. He placed his warm lips on the mark which is on her forehead.
On his this move, Hadia's breathing got hitched. She just closed her eyes to feel his touch.
Now from the forehead, his lips moved to her eyes and kissed them both.
From her eyes, he then kissed the tip of her nose. After kissing her both cheeks one by one he stopped.
And Hadia was just sitting with closed eyes feeling her breath intermingle with his breath.
"You are very innocent Hadia. I don't want you to lose your innocence. Neither can I see you becoming scattered."
He was staring at her closed eyelashes which were trembling because of his proximity.
"And I don't want to lose you Wadan. You are everything to me. You are my soul, my breath."
On her such expressive confession, Wadan felt extreme peace deep inside himself. And this worked as a console for his burning soul.
"You are also my soul, my life, Hadia."
Saying in an intoxicated voice now he placed his warm lips on her soft and smooth lips.
He was drunk so he doesn't know what actually he is doing.
He was just hovering over her, his lips were locked with hers, and taking her breath in himself.
He was so much intense in kissing her that Hadia felt her breathing is about to stop.
She tightened her hold on Wadan's shirt. It was when Wadan controlled his burning desire for her and got separated from her.
He placed his forehead with her forehead and was staring at her who was steadying her uneven breathing.
"Never leave me Hadia. Otherwise, I will become alone."
He softly kissed her on her cheek and then put his head on Hadia's chest while shutting his eyes.
Hadia made herself to go slightly behind because of the heavy weight of his body. She laid her back on the back of the sofa.
Now they both were lying half on the sofa. Wadan was sound sleeping as his head was on her chest. While Hadia was slowly grazing her fingers in his hair.
She was reminded of Wadan's act again and again and this made her face red. A shy smile appeared on her face on thinking about all that has happened.
She leaned and put her lips on Wadan hair. She closed her eyes to try to sleep which wasn't possible because of the position she was sitting in.
She doesn't know how Wadan is going to behave when he wakes up in the morning. Maybe because of his drunken state, he forgets about all this when he wakes up in the morning.
But Hadia really wants that this night stops here. And he is closer to her like that, too much closer.


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