Historias cortas

We're back

We kept going on,

even when we knew

it wouldn't work.


Remember the day after we met?

And the excitement we were about to spread.


Why wouldn't I change my live?

that's something about what to shine.

I just tried to climb

anything higher than this line.


I want this to be over,

just tell 'em how in-love we are,

wanting to be free

It's just a dream, only a dream, 

at list for now.


Seing you getting away from me,

I know it's too much to handle,

but we'll get over it,

and maybe then we can show them how proud we are,

'cause we still standing, after all.

#17089 en Otros
#4958 en Relatos cortos
#12661 en Fantasía

En el texto hay: historiascortas, unpocodetodo

Editado: 17.06.2021

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