Honey Eyes

The honey from your Sonata II.

Spend the whole day thinking about how to make your Sonata for me and only for me, I could not think anymore so in the evening I was just, without plan, without strategy, with nothing, I just went before she came. He came, he sat down and after that he never opened his eyes until we got home.

-Sweet pianist of my heart it's time for you to wake up, your beautiful sonata can't wait any longer.

-Where am I and how do I get here?

-It's easy to explain my little girl, you're in our home and just put sleeping pills on piano, so every time you play you'll suck it.

-You're a sínico and a madman.

-Little mine I'm not all that you say, I'm just in love with your sonata, so start playing for me if you do not want anything bad happen.

He did nothing but nod because he knew what would come if not to what I say, so without further explaining that it was our game, it was something so that I could forget what made him feel that song and think of me every time I touch it; So without further ado you explain our little game.

Our game was that I should play the song in a way that I like, but the problem is that in each note Do had half a blade, so every time I pressed to touch this would cut a little finger , but there was something else, every time he was wrong note or rhythm would cut a finger and so would do until the piece ended, so she would only think of me when I played, as I would feel the agonizing pain I felt every time I hear such a beautiful sonata.

She looked at me with fear in my eyes, which I was looking for from the beginning, as it was something comforting to me; She refused, how sweet were their pleadings, I wanted to hear more and more, but I did not allow those eyes to convince me, so I hit him to stop making those pleas and she understood that he had no escape from his destiny, would not have escape from my , of his love, of his life, of his being, of his savior, of his greatest fan...

And the great moment I was waiting for, it was time to hear that beautiful piece interpreted by her, felt like my heartbeats were on the rise when she sat down and was preparing to begin with the beautiful intonation of that sonata... Oh my God, more and more I felt the excitement that I would listen to that sonata again, I couldn't stand it anymore and force it to begin... And there, it was right there when it started the most beautiful game of my whole life, my adrenaline was a thousand, it was about time, I had already placed his fingers on the piano and was about finally playing.

And began, began as always began, for Do, there was the first cut, writhing in pain every time I played a Do, everything was perfect, played beautiful as usual, but this time was different, played thinking of me, played only with me in his head, that I Excited me filled with joy and emotion... Until... A Mi instead of a RE, that's where the first finger went; I started to choose from Tín Marín de do pin gue and left the ring, goodbye first finger what will be the second? I asked looking at his eyes full of grief at the loss of this finger, had tears, ached, I know and adored him, at last someone knew how I felt with this sonata; Then I made him go on with the song, now I would not stop at the best time, and continuous, but this time I had to think more about how to play if he lacked a finger, and think of the pain he felt with every Do he touched, that more beautiful agony was in his eyes color honey; Everything was beautiful, the Magic Sonata, unique as always, but an Fa in the place of a Yes, Goodbye index, followed his pain while playing this time with even more pain and agony, enjoyed it... And so it was with the whole song, one finger after another, he played as he wept, while he was dying of pain, while he could no longer with the pain, but still, he saw the blood flowing through each and every one of the keys he played, it was beautiful the red on the white of the T Eclas, I enjoyed it too much, but the grand final was coming. She played like crazy, but the most beautiful crazy there was on Earth, I felt my adrenaline go up with every C major that touched, everything was on the rise, saw the grand final, approached, expected, and suddenly... Bye, head.

Still in my head the sonata while I saw his beautiful eyes color honey, were magical, were pure were divine and now were only mine, mine and nobody else, at last nobody but I could see them and only I could hear forever his sonata , she was mine now, mine, mine, mine! Now it was part of me and my life, now the moonlight would remember and your sonata, forever your sonata will be in my head and my heart my beautiful pianist.

Now what do you want me to tell them? If I kill her, kill her for love of her sonata, for love of her eyes, kill her because nobody else was worthy to hear such beautiful musical notes, those notes did not deserve to be heard by anyone, and if for love I am condemned, because I accept my conviction with pleasure , but now no one can separate me from it and no one can make me forget his sonata, no one had ever learned to understand it, I did and so I could not let him suffer more. So yes, I killed her for love of her sonata.

#2768 en Terror
#12724 en Thriller

En el texto hay: love, blood, killer

Editado: 25.03.2019

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