Honey Eyes

The Honey of your tragedy II.

I would Swear I had seen those eyes elsewhere, but as much as I thought I could not even remember where I had seen those eyes so perfect and so beautiful; I've never felt anything like what I'm feeling before, I know I've said times before but I swear this time is not compared to anything I've felt before, are those the eyes of the person who may come to love me in such a way that I desire , I should stop thinking like that for once in my life, I'm tired of thinking like that and the final nothing happens, this time should not think of anything.

God, why can't I get his eyes out of my head? Why do I get too familiar? Am I finally getting completely crazy? Could it be her? It's Not impossible for her to be, I haven't seen her since that day and I'll never see her again, that's for sure. But What if it's really her? It Can't be her, she must be a thousand miles from where I am right now... Although thinking better his eyes made me feel the same as I felt that night.

His fucking eyes do not come out of my head, his smile, his hair, his face, nothing can get out of my fucking head, I can not make illusions she is not, is not the girl that night, who told me that he liked to then disappear , it cannot be, I refuse to think that she returns, I cannot fall into that again, I don't want to be hurt again, she went away once so you can go again if you want, no, not this time, this time I won't fall.

Poor and innocent of me thinking about that time that would not fall into it again, thinking that it could be strong enough to be able to get away from it as soon as possible, I necessarily before to fall in love with her, that naive and idiot I was at that time... Katherine, my beautiful Katherine, thought that this time would be strong enough not to fall into you; I'm wrong, but believe me, my beautiful, I don't regret anything.

And there I went again to fall into it, to fall into his beautiful eyes, to fall into his magic way of writing about the world and about life, there I was to try to understand the world that was in his mind, there I was being stupid enough to Not noticing the person who had the front, there was just me to admire every part of you as if you were the most beautiful of all the goddesses, I became stupid to talk about you, I fell in love with every move with every touch you did with my skin , you were a witch trying to fall in love with a simple mortal... And that game fascinated me.

Fuck as I enjoy feeling alive, feeling loved and loved for the first time in my life, I felt like nothing could hurt me, I felt like a child who gave him the gift he had wanted for so long, I just felt full , I felt like you were making change, I felt like you made my body shudder when you told me you were near my apartment; For the first time in my life I felt what it was to be loved, and I swear my love that I will never hate you for what you did.

Just ours was like one more story, we met because a girl was impersonating her to make money and I could not bear that someone stole something that another person tried so hard to do, I thought to do with her what I had done long before , I only thought of killing her, killing her and making her suffer without any mercy; That was the plan but from the nothing came my beautiful beloved and tortured and killed with his own hands, I could not believe that girl who appeared to be sugar, that girl who was like seeing and touching a cloud did that, she is a perfect murderer; I kill her without having any remorse in her eyes, she is not like me, but better.

I really swear that I could not come to think that a girl like her would notice someone like me, she was a lot for what I was, I'm nothing compared to what she is, she's all and I nothing , she is the light and I the darkness, she was everything to me and will continue to be no matter what she did.

What did I love most about her? I Have to admit that those eyes are the eyes that more life and love have given me, those eyes for me are unforgettable, for me those eyes mean peace and hope, those eyes are eyes I saw for a long time, those eyes that she had , those eyes that I admired so much, were those eyes that taught me to love, those were the same eyes that my beloved father had.

She, she's just the one who gave my life a feeling, she and she's just the one who filled my empty heart, she and only she's the person who could fall in love with this stupid heart the way she did it, she's everything , she is my love, is my life, is my everything, is the reason for my breathing, is the reason for my living, my existence, my walk, my suffering, my love, she is everything to me and without her could not live, but , in the stories there is always one, I can not bear what you did, my love, light of my life, you better cover your back because what you did me you're going to pay, maybe not today, but if one of these days, and as you said that day , in this world only the strong survive.


#2781 en Terror
#12837 en Thriller

En el texto hay: love, blood, killer

Editado: 25.03.2019

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