My ap

Chapter 1


I seriously can't believe he is doing this to me. I know that things have been hard for us to work out, things have not been simple but we always have eachother's back.
-I know I am not perfect, heck I wish I was- I state feeling guilty. Surely, I know this is not really his fault. It´s just my brain overthinking. I hate that I am trusting my gut on this. It hurts but I want him happy, thought it may not be with me I will acept it. I say the folowing words to make it seem that I am confident of what I am about to do,
-I need my time and space- I say because I don´t want to rush my thoughts I need to analyze them and right now is not the best time for me to deal with all this.
-Whatever is not like I really ever liked you- he says before he leaves, leaving me crying and full of many questions.

Since it is night, I head to bed to try to catch some sleep hoping that tommorow will be a little better than today...

#1120 en Paranormal
#401 en Mística
#11736 en Otros
#1672 en Humor

En el texto hay: vent journal

Editado: 05.12.2022

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