

Peace be brought unto your heart,

To flourish by the pain of art,

And wilt by shards of broken soul,

And breathe the air of morning strolls,

To clear the craving darkened void,

And seek the truth at last destroyed,

And cleanse that of a broken spirit,

To fight what makes you most fear it,

Ring around the golden snare,

Beg my life that you shall spare,

Gaze upon a silver prayer,

That awaits for heaven’s heir,

And when you find the well of youth,

Here you lie to find the truth,

Sanity sits upon the throne of hell,

Find what with Life truly dwells,

Oceans rise and there you drown,

Meet the cost of bearing the crown,

And feel the wrath of heaven’s fury,

To be judged by mortal jury,

Live your life, immortal fear,

And rule the throne of Solitaire.


#2326 en Joven Adulto
#7897 en Otros

En el texto hay: trigger warnings, abuse

Editado: 04.10.2023

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