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Soy un autor, blogger y periodista que ha estado enloqueciendo el mundo desde 1995. He trabajado con libros, cómics, música, películas y cualquier otra cosa que capte mi atención. 99% de las veces, es algo sobre brujas. Actualmente estoy buscando un proveedor de chocolate 24/7.
I'm an author, blogger and journalist who has been freaking the world since 1995. I've worked with books, comics, music, movies and almost anything else that catches my attention. 99% of the time, it's something about witches. Right now, I'm searching for a 24/7 chocolate supplier.
I'm an author, blogger and journalist who has been freaking the world since 1995. I've worked with books, comics, music, movies and almost anything else that catches my attention. 99% of the time, it's something about witches. Right now, I'm searching for a 24/7 chocolate supplier.