Sinopsis del libro "Craving For Love "
We all have dreams and one of Thaly's dreams was to be able to live in the United States where you can have the American dream, more academic opportunities, more opportunities in life, have the opportunity to have a better education, etc.
Thaly's life takes an unexpected turn when her mother meets a wealthy man and decides to marry him to fulfill her daughter's dream of having the American Dream, but what exactly is the American Dream? Thaly's point of view on the American dream changes once she realizes that the American dream is not how it is portrayed in the movies.
Thaly's life takes an unexpected turn when her mother meets a wealthy man and decides to marry him to fulfill her daughter's dream of having the American Dream, but what exactly is the American Dream? Thaly's point of view on the American dream changes once she realizes that the American dream is not how it is portrayed in the movies.
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