My voice is safe
Booknet Novela romántica My voice is safe

My voice is safe

Roselight · autor
Pausado 7 pág.
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Sinopsis del libro "My voice is safe"
Rosethe is a sixteen year old girl, in a wealthy family, she doesn't know what makes she happy, play music or sing, while she was thinking... her parents are planning her wedding with a millionaire mobster of the city, so... is not a good day to scape and find the true love? ... well, this "love" knows something so much important, two descendents of renacentist royal families are together again, and the love between Rosethe and Philip is the key for save the families and make that they stay together again...
Contenido del libro: 1 capítulo
Última actualización: 13 Mar 2019
1st chapter
13 Mar 2019

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