Sinopsis del libro "The Good Mother 1988"
In 1988, Mark Tempe, a professor of piano at Boston University, unwittingly becomes the cause of his ex-wife Harey's arrest due to his thoughtlessness. Giving his daughter Molly Dunlop his word of honor that he will free her mother, he attempts to hijack a prisoner transport train, but fails. However, as a result, he meets insurgents and finds himself in a deadly clash with the gang of Jordan Turlow, a ruthless supporter of loyalty. Dedicated to Canadian actress Asia Molly Vieira, born in Toronto on May 18, 1982 and known for her roles in films such as OMEN IV: THE AWAKENING, THE GOOD MOTHER and A HOME AT THE END OF THE WORLD.
Contenido del libro: 15 capítulos
Última actualización: 05 Dic
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