Sinopsis del libro "To Put A Leash On The Master"
I’d never known a man like Hunter. Dreaded at his calmest, a calm before the storm, Death and Enigma are his sustenance.
He unleashes turbulence upon me, snuffing the life out of everyone I know. And now he’s coming for me; to ruin me.
As I taste the bitterness of guilt at the tip of my tongue, I’m bent on grasping the very thing causing my misery by the neck. If only I wouldn’t have to deal with these emotions—old feelings clashing with new ones; love and hate—that make me want to squash Hunter’s heart one moment, then piece it up the next.
But I know I can’t hang between these feelings forever. First, I need to escape Hunter’s web. Then I have to choose, and quickly.
He unleashes turbulence upon me, snuffing the life out of everyone I know. And now he’s coming for me; to ruin me.
As I taste the bitterness of guilt at the tip of my tongue, I’m bent on grasping the very thing causing my misery by the neck. If only I wouldn’t have to deal with these emotions—old feelings clashing with new ones; love and hate—that make me want to squash Hunter’s heart one moment, then piece it up the next.
But I know I can’t hang between these feelings forever. First, I need to escape Hunter’s web. Then I have to choose, and quickly.
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