I'm a wannabe writer. Nice to meet you. 

I'm trying to make it in the world and maybe one day be someone's favorite author (っ ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ)っ


Anyway, I love cats. Especially the fat ones. I also enjoy anything, vampires, werewolves, billionaires, mafia, horror

My Work

Below Our Happy Home ~ Complete 

The One Destined For Him ~ Ongoing 

BlackXs ~ Ongoing



Complete Black Xs 

Complete The One Destined For Him

Reach 50 followers

reach 10k reads on any story

Reach 50 likes on any story


Achieved Goals

Reach 5k reads on any story ~ Achieved December 4th, 2020

Reach 30 likes on any story ~ Achieved October 30, 2020

Reach 15 likes on any story ~ Achieved September 4, 2020

Complete Below Our Happy Home~ Achieved August 16, 2020 



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