Three Stars, Genesis Cosmic Order

Three Stars, Genesis Cosmic Order Adventures without limit

Three Stars, Genesis Cosmic Order

Adventures without limit


Today we will begin a journey, daring millions of galaxies and unimaginable solar systems, at an age of the universe of more than 13,787 billion years.

Before the Great Explosion or Big Bang Theory, the historical time of the universe defined as cooling and expanding the Great Explosion.

If dear readers who love science fiction and adventure, today I will ask you to take a trip to fantastic places, full of landscapes where the logic of our daily life is unprecedented, where meeting beings with appearance and customs outside of our own and at the same time so similar. We will experience dangers and emotions at every step in worlds that will be shown before our astonished eyes.

Do you dare to make this journey so far from our planet and solar system, that it will only be achieved from these pages, can be made as long as you finish reading this adventure and will bring you back safely, or are you in danger of being somewhere in the immense infinite cosmos trapped in Wormholes or cosmic waves, that will take you like the waves of the sea to the vastness of the cosmos or destroyed in a collision of galaxies?

Let's prepare the trip, it is necessary first of all to sit in a comfortable and warm place to enjoy the trip, maybe a rich coffee, a tea or what you like to survive the trip, although in space-time it is not important to eat, everything floats and it is not pleasant to run after our meal.

Is everything ready?

This is your Captain Peter O Marz responsible for your safety please follow the instructions of your stewardesses, we will travel at 300,000 three hundred thousand kilometers per second, we will find storms, cosmic wormholes that are shortcuts in space, which there are flashes and violent turns, so we ask to hold on very well, in addition, we will cross Black Watermen, which save us a lot of time but are extremely dangerous and will feel five to twelve gravity. If you've climbed the roller coaster, you like this, but ten times as high. Don't worry you can scream, it lasts about thirty seconds and everything if it goes well, we'll have traveled back in time over 15 billion years.

They are in the Ray of Light, the most modern of the 22nd century Starfleet; it features state-of-the-art technology,

If everyone is ready and attached, we'll start the three-star journey to the count of three. Initiating counting:

One, two, three, taking off,

Valla is fast, they comment on the luminous ace. If it is to be able to travel at the speed of light of three hundred thousand kilometers per second the only way is to mount on a luminous beam or a frequency wave.

Its seconds and already the distance traveled are immense. The captain announces turbulence because in order to travel at such a distance, it is necessary to cross a black hole, this fierce whirlwind of energy that devours everything in its path even in the light, catches nothing is saved to its voracious appetite, engulfs planets, solar systems, stars everything that is trapped at its attraction, and we go straight to one, you hear the captain say, hold on strong beings trapped by a black hole, you will feel like on the roller coaster superior gravity, which will make your eyes come out or get stuck to the seat, or feel the soul come out of the body. You hear them scream or throw up without a problem.

Wormhole      Einstein-Rosen cosmic bridge

It was a few seconds may be fifteen or twenty, but it seemed like an eternity.

Suddenly we went back to the speed of light and everything was very quiet again, we saw the stars pass in slow motion, and leaving them behind only a luminous ace was fantastic that calm.

It took a few minutes and the captain announced that in front of us was our destiny, what we observed filled us with amazement if it was fantastic as a dream.

Before we were Three Stars, giants of eternal fire with the most powerful energy ever seen, as great as we can imagine. Our sun, compared to what we observed, was a marble. If they were huge and red, like ours with it’s soft, warm heat,

We knew the open mouth, every sun was twenty-two planets, each planet was huge five thousand times the size of the earth, and there were others larger with its moons.

The stars or suns were called, Asteri, Xing, and Star.

The stars formed a perfect triangle, and their planets rotated helically, around each sun, there was translation rotation in a harmonious shape and their moons on each planet equally had rotation and translation.

Asteri and its planetary system and its moons were true giants that had all kinds of conformation: there were ice, water, volcanic activity, gaseous, iron and precious metals, of rare materials unique in the universe a true wealth and its moons a little smaller but in turn giant in orbit of its planets, only one planet had six hundred moons, the names of their planets are:

Asteri........................ sun

Fotia................................ Fire

Iliakos anemos .............. Solar wind

Grigori Strofi................... Quick spin

Argi Peristrofi ................ Slow spin                                               


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