A student, dreamer, and an avid reader.  By no means, i am a professional or an expert writer and I wouldn't claim to be one either. I am no Shakespeare or Keats or King, I am Soumya, a girl who occasionally pours her heart out through written words. Well, in this case, typed. 

listed here is my bookstagram account (@comfypapers) which is in its infancy. You can head there to check and gush about books. 


and this is one of my all time favourite poems-

'She dwelt among the untrodden ways' by Wordsworth.

She dwelt among the untrodden ways

Beside the springs of Dove,

A Maid whom there were none to praise

And very few to love:


A violet by a mossy stone

Half hidden from the eye!

—Fair as a star, when only one

Is shining in the sky.




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