Dance & Love ( English Edition)


David POV's


I never believed that something so hilarious was possible, that day while I was torn between life and death something strange happened.  Suddenly I felt with a lightness like never had before, it was as if I had taken a dance jump and time stopped.


I blinked and found myself looking at several desperate paramedics and talking about trauma and medications that I could never pronounce in my life. It was like watching a movie, I felt my heart almost stop as I realized that who they were treating was me, that my body was I looked really bad, beaten and bloody, with a bandage around my head where, according to what I heard, I had received a great blow.  It was too much for me, I felt that I was going crazy and that suddenly I was short of air and I closed my eyes tightly.  When I opened them there were no more paramedics, no ambulance.  I was on the street, I didn't know what to do or where to go, I was desperate


Distracted I kept walking until a very strong light and the honking of a horn .. A small black kitten had crossed and was almost run over but he jumped to the sidewalk when he heard the shrill sound.  I was scared like never before, I thought about the end but when I saw how that car went through my body I felt freaked out .. I was in tremendous confusion.


I couldn't believe it .. It was like .. like it was one of those ghosts that I see in the movies.  "Am I .. dead?" The thought of that terrified me.


I held my hair in my hands in frustration until something caught my eye.


It was a girl.  And although she was very beautiful, it was not her physique that attracted my attention but that she was dancing .. alone .. she had her eyes closed but she did it with a passion that caught me right away, without realizing it I just walked in her direction and suddenly I was there in front of her watching her dance.


She looked like an angel as she spun and slid with each note of the song that although she was very sensual and she could look like a goddess dancing like this, for me it was something sublime.  Looking at her suddenly nothing else mattered.  When she finished dancing she disappeared behind a door leaving the studio empty, silent ... alone.  Being of Latino grandparents and mother I never liked silence so I only thought of Yiruma and that beautiful melody that managed to relax me so much, Waltz.


And suddenly I started to listen to it.


.                                      🔴🔴🔴


It was frustrating to see my mother pray in front of my pale and thin body lying in that hospital bed, my father holding back the tears of her looking at her in silence because she had to be strong for both of us.  It hurt the unspeakable not being able to scream: "Here I am mom" "rest" I'm fine "" don't cry mom. "Seeing them suffer like this every day was not something I could bear so I fled.


I started to follow Anaya as the boys called her. I knew she was her dance instructor, I can't deny that she has a very original name.  I tried to talk to her but like everyone else she wasn't listening to me either, I took a risk and tried to do something that a little girl I ran into one day while wandering around the hospital taught me to do.  She did it for fun to scare the nurses because she said she was bored.  She taught me that using energy she could move little things and even if she concentrated me she could write about the steam on the crystals. 

 That night I felt very sad, I saw my mother cry with rage because of some television reports where she said that she had died, something that even I was beginning to believe were it not for the insistent sound of the machines that marked my vital signs .  Seeing Anaya dance was truly a balm to the soul;  I watched her for much of the afternoon laugh, dance, joke with the boys.  


Then when class finished he cleaned the studio and went to take out the trash. With the dance studio alone and in silence, once again sadness caught up with me and when I closed my eyes I started to cry ..


"I see you .. . " How much I would like to hear those words again .." i see you "I began to hum through tears .. I began to listen to the song in my head and soon something warm began to wrap my heart .. It was like that hug that without knowing it ends up saving your life .. And when I opened my eyes I saw her .. Anaya .. she danced with her eyes closed while infinite tears covered that beautiful face that I liked to look at while smiling or sleeping .. her face showed pain but she did not stop dance, went on and on as the song continued, suddenly fell to the ground, held his chest and still with tears in his eyes fainted.  When I saw her, I was very scared, I thought something had happened to her but when I got closer I noticed that she was breathing calmly, it was as if she were asleep.  I sighed calmer and then I noticed it.  All the pain I felt, the sadness and the frustration.  .. They had disappeared .




Anaya POV's:


 I was going home after visiting my parents and my sister, I had a very pleasant family afternoon.  My family was a bit crazy but what was undeniable was that love was something that always overwhelmed us.  Even with the past years, if we were together, everything is still the same. 

 The red light of the traffic light makes me stop for a few seconds to give way to a lady and a little girl who were waiting their turn to cross (although I would have given way if it had been green for me. But although Cortés is something very risky and that should never be done).  I turn on the radio and it left a very upbeat Radiohead song.  The light has changed and I continued on my way moving my shoulders to the beat of the song.  At the end, one begins with a soft and different rhythm but I still like it .. "Halo" by Beyoncé is playing as I turn the last corner before I get home .. I have listened to it many times but I never really paid attention to the lyrics.  And I realized that the same thing happens to me.

#25977 en Novela romántica
#4348 en Chick lit
#12203 en Fantasía
#2670 en Magia

En el texto hay: , love, magic

Editado: 26.06.2021

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