Sinopsis del libro "Elian's Passion"
Elian, a lonely immortal werewolf isolated from the world by the pain of losing his wife, despite being the alpha of the pack, goes into exile. After years in solitude, he is forced to abandon his self-imposed exile on an island in Greece following a series of murders not only of humans, but also of werewolves, especially his pack. For this reason, he must travel to the northwest of Mexico where Without intending to, he meets his new partner, only there is a problem, she is mortal with serious self-esteem and self-love problems, from the first day they meet she rejects him, now Elian has three problems; solve the murders, control his impulses and win over his new partner.
Contenido del libro: 5 capítulos
Última actualización: 21 Abr
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Ingresarpor favor, la podrías traducir al idioma español, gracias.
Enith salas agamez, Hola, gracias por comentar, en español está en otra app, Alphanovel con otra portada.
hello I like these stories but I don't know how to read English. how do I translate it
Karonte Cancer, lo será ya he leído y me gusta mucho. gracias
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