María Raeders (irías Conmigo a New York?)
Booknet Novela romántica Chick lit María Raeders (irías Conmigo a New York?)

María Raeders (irías Conmigo a New York?) 18+

Booktrailes Edrapecor
Texto completo 87 pág.
A la biblioteca
  • Descripción
  • Contenido del libro
  • Book trailer
  • Comentarios 3
Sinopsis del libro "María Raeders (irías Conmigo a New York?)"
Marina Raeders inicia su carrera laboral en un aburrido y lejano pueblo

Obra 100% original del autor
Contenido del libro: 7 capítulos
Capitulo 1 y 2
Marina Raeders Capitulo 3 y 4
Capitulo 5 y 6
Capitulo 7
Capitulo 8
Capitulo 9. Penultimo Capitulo
Capitulo Final

3 comentarios

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Mamecrush Resume
12.03.2025, 16:21:04

Hello! I have an idea that I think could strengthen the thematic focus of your book, and I’m looking forward to sharing it with you. I greatly respect your writing, and I believe this insight could appeal to your audience and add an interesting dimension to your narrative.
If you’re open to it, I’d love to have a conversation about this thought. I truly feel it complements your vision for the book wonderfully.
Instagram: mameecrush
Discord: mamecrush

10.03.2025, 15:12:50

Your efforts are remarkable, and I recognize promise. I would be thrilled to assist in presenting it with line art animation. Is it possible for us to connect on social media?

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