Wednesday's The Proposal Preview

She did her business and washed her face again. Glad for the moment alone or so she had thought. There came a knock on the bathroom door. Fuck, she muttered under her breath. She already knew who it was before his voice came through the door.

“Are you alright?”

“No. I’m not fucking alright! Leo is hooked up to all those machines fighting to stay alive! And now me and the baby have a target on our backs thanks to your bitch wife who will also likely want to finish the job she started when she finds out you still have your fucking head!”

“I’m coming in,” Grayson said softly.

The door opened. Amber could see his reflection in the mirror behind her. His blue eyes stood out sharply against his blackened eye and bruises on his face. Her face didn’t look a hell of a lot better. A bruised jaw and cut across the corner of her lip. But her face held traces of tears where his did not. Amber gripped the sink in front of her and tried to avoid his piercing gaze in the reflection.

“Hey, it’ll be alright. We’ll figure this all out. I’ll handle Courtney. I’ll protect you and our child as God as my witness. And Leo will get all the care he needs to get back on his feet. As soon as he’s stable enough, we’ll move him to his warehouse and hire who we need to help him get well.”

A sob escaped her throat, “How are you going to handle that bitch and keep our baby safe?”

“By whatever means I have too. Courtney isn’t the only one with dirt. I know shit about her and her family that could ruin them. Everything will be alright. I’ll make sure of it if it’s the last fucking thing I do. You, the baby, and Leo, I’ll make you all are safe by whatever means necessary.”

Grayson wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to his chest. Amber allowed herself to draw comfort in his words and believe in them even for a little while. Even if she had her doubts that Grayson could keep that vow. Amber had seen what the Van Tessins were capable of with what they’d done to both the brothers. A shiver went down her spine.

“And who will protect you?” she challenged.

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Nicole Mtutu
21.10.2020, 06:24:39

Wow this is something started my countdown

AnnaRCase guru
21.10.2020, 08:38:31

Nicole Mtutu, Me too! Thanks:)

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