Getting back on track

Over August I have slowly been getting back on track with my work. Sadly one of my friend’s mums left this world last week and is now at peace. The funeral was yesterday. Because my friend could not get down to Devon, we watched the service online and in away got say our own final farewells to such a wonderful person who always brought people joy. 

My other friend, who is in fact my proofreader and grammar checker, I have not heard anything from her on how her mum is doing. To be honest she has been so odd with me since I had my Covid vaccines (sigh). I have no idea why when we do not live anywhere near each other. (shake my head) I give up. This also means I have now lost my proofreader.

Luckily my Mandarin checker has come to the rescue and she has been helping me sort, A hidden secret and A chance encounter. The crime story I was working on is with my awesome editor, who is also trying his best to fill the gap. It has gone a bit pear shaped so he is doing his best to take out anything that is not needed.

Whilst all this has been happening my pen drive decided to suddenly give me problems so I had to back everything up on to my Mack mini. Because I had to move everything over one or two documents at a time (2 nights and 1 day it took) I discovered a story that I had completely forgotten about, titled September Rain. I had an opening with notes on how I was going to complete it. After reading it and showing it to the others, I agreed, why I had not finished it? It is well written and a very moving story. So you guessed it, I decided to see if I could continue it and I have. I am near the end now and once it has been through my great team I am going to publish it on Google Play and iBooks. 

This is the blurb I came up for the back and the description A touching story about a lost forgotten warrior, who's disappearance in the late Edo Period is a complete mystery. Until one day a young man takes shelter inside an old abandoned shrine and discovers there is more to the statue than meets the eye.

Once it is out I will be completing a whole new version of A Chance Encounter and hopefully be in a position to also publish it. Then it will be back to the crime story before I get stuck in to Yūrei Samurai to finally finish and publish it. After that I was thinking about doing the winner of the vote I did back in July, An Emperor's Betrayal, it is a story about a young Emperor who is betrayed by someone she thought she could trust and as a result rumours begin to crucial around the Palace that she is unfit to rule. Disguised as a Samurai mistress she goes in search of the legendary Kamen no senshi to prove her innocence.

This will be part of the Masked warrior/Wandering Samurai series staring the character Narsus from the Master Shǒuwèi series.

Or I might yet bite the built and finally complete A tale of two brothers, mainly to get it done and out of the way. I think that is my best choice otherwise I will never complete it.


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