
Hi guys I have been off a few days and hope to have the next chapter of my town out soon. Here's my question for today has any of you read your stories on YouTube a chapter at a time and how did it go if you did


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simon 1982
27.08.2019, 12:26:34

OK I will be the test subject it might take a bit of time as soon as I have got something sorted you guys will be the first to know

27.08.2019, 02:37:01

I haven't but it's something that I have considered for my work, not for my writing but that's a great idea. You should test the waters. I reckon it would be great.

Brad Emshwiller
27.08.2019, 00:03:27

I downloaded a bunch of apps for cutting together my own audio books cuz I wanted to put my stories on YouTube but I haven’t messed around with them yet.

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Brad Emshwiller
27.08.2019, 02:27:38

Trakd Studio and Hokusai 2. Ones is for editing and the other was for converting to video format. I don’t know any particulars because I haven’t tried anything at all yet.

AnnaRCase guru
27.08.2019, 00:42:50

Wow. Sounds awesome but I sound like a dude so I would hate to record my own voice.

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AnnaRCase guru
27.08.2019, 02:10:01

simon 1982, But you have an accent so it cancels it out. We love British accents!

Ruechari guru
26.08.2019, 23:49:06

I have not. I've made a book trailer for my some of my stories but that's as far as I've gotten to. Is this something you are thinking of trying?

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simon 1982
27.08.2019, 01:56:30

Nice one cheers for that I will look into it

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