Good clean out

Some times it is good to have a good clear out, in the process of sorting the office I came across notes I did for a dark dreamer series. He is called this because he is a Master in the Dark and Forbidden arts. I launched the first one which involves him tiled Forest God and the beast on here and I was pleased with response I got, has made me think one day I may continue it and also if the readers ask me to, it will give me a nice push to carry on with the series.

I also found some notes for a little story which involves Fedor, AKA Darkness, when he was a young man around 19 or 20 years of age and lived with his family in Greece. It is a bit of a murder mystery as he along with his mother Titan have to solve the disappearance and death of a young lady. Giggle I was thinking they would make quite an interesting team with both of them having a passion to solve mysteries and with them both being powerful gods, they could use their abilities to solve the case. I should point out Titan is a powerful Annihilation Deity, they are both sex, even thought he looks like a muscular woman/man he has a very soft, motherly nature when it comes to his own children. Not so much when it comes to mortals, he is more like a strict no nonsense father, who despite the person’s age will not hesitate to put them in their place and make it clear he is a god there for he is in charge of the village. Fedor for those of you who don’t know him he is, a Soul Drinker, who is also a no nonsense young man, who will use his enhanced abilities to sometimes frighten a mortal, especially when the person is lying to him. 

Please let me know if you think I should write it? ^_^


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