Eyes Here! Book Description Changed

My dearest readers and followers,

I started this book with vague ideas on my mind. As I have told you before, this coronavirus outbreak inspired me to create a love story that grows amidst the pandemic.

Something came up, and I decided to change the course of the story. Thus, the birth of Bronca bugs and the conspiracy behind it.

As I am coming out with a clearer idea of how this story goes, I change the book description. And here it is.

The Synopsis

Just when I thought I had successfully moved on from a loveless relationship, I realized I had made the same mistake again. I fell in love with a kind and handsome billionaire, and I thought he was already the perfect man. Before our marriage took place, I learned about his deep secret--the secret that evolved around my identity. And the secret that shattered my respect for him.

I broke off our engagement and claimed everything that belonged to me. I hated him like he was the fiercest criminal in the world. I accused him as a thief, stripping him off from his once, dazzling glory.

But then, a particular event led me to the truth. Only to know that I was late already!


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Cathy Evans
01.07.2020, 16:45:33

wow, this is great

Marilyn Lucero
01.07.2020, 18:09:38

Cathy Evans, Thank you so much❤

Shiza Naeem
01.07.2020, 13:01:01

This is a whole new story but a sad one I guess??

Show 3 відповідей
Marilyn Lucero
01.07.2020, 18:09:13

Shiza Naeem, I'm relieved:-)

S. N. Nina Arthur
01.07.2020, 13:21:08

The synopsis is very interesting hon, curious to know whats the secret! God bless you

Marilyn Lucero
01.07.2020, 14:29:56

S. N. Nina Arthur, Thank you so much for reading this blog?

Emelia Doot
01.07.2020, 10:58:38

Ohh.. Such a sad story,,maybe.

Show 2 відповідей
Marilyn Lucero
01.07.2020, 12:08:49

Emelia Doot, There is going to be a dramatic part. Excited to let you read it:-)

Roza Csergo
01.07.2020, 09:30:29

Wow. Such a hooking description. No wonder, you're so great.

Marilyn Lucero
01.07.2020, 09:45:18

Roza Csergo, This comment is so amazing, I am even surprised. Thank you soooo much for the motivation.

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