Addressing some concerns about The Hostage

Hello. I just wanted to address some concerns which readers have been bringing up over The Hostage lately. A couple readers are concerned that the plot has stalled and it's only filler chapters.  I value all your input, but feel I need to address this. Just like with The Arrangement, lots of steamy stuff happens at the beginning of The Hostage as well.This is done e purpose for many reasons. Both books turn away some from the erotic stuff because of their storylines, so it was on purpose their beginnings reflected the brunt of the erotic element. In the case of The Hostage, I had to stay authentic to the storyline. Amber and Leo are a new couple, in that lustful honeymoon stage. I couldn't send them to Paris for five days and just skip over all those details of their time spent. That would not be realistic. While I'll admit, some of the steamy and romantic stuff Iincluded was due to the influence of what my reader's want, I can assure you, I haven't strayed off the storyline or stalled the plot. Things are happening on a specific timeline in the story which I'm moving along, even though it might not seem like it now. I apologize to those who feel disappointed or that I'm just padding the book. Every chapter has a purpose. The plot is moving forward at the pace it was designed to. And a huge shift in the book is coming which takes it into an entirely new direction. Thanks:)


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Juliet Nely
22.07.2020, 18:14:11

And you wonder why I love you; you're super sensitive and responsive to your readers. And you're one awesome writer. Considering most of the criticism for your works, constructive and otherwise, is what ensures your place at the top. The Arrangement series is a masterpiece. The peaks you've given us in the TFTCC is enough indication of the sweetness to come. By the way, what's a good book without filler chapters? Buffs you up for the climax. you Anna. For, no matter what you do, one chip of the block's never gonna be satisfied.

AnnaRCase guru
22.07.2020, 19:45:14

Juliet Nely, Thanks for your kind words:) I could never write a story my heart wasn't in either. I do everything on purpose, not for a word count. I could also never write a story without a plot that doesn't go anywhere. Thanks for believe in me! It means a lot to me:)

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