New book alert!

Hi, everyone! Hope you're all doing well.

I'm sorry I've been slow on updates, but I've been a little busy at the moment. I promise that I'm working on new chapters, and they're coming soon. 
But I have some exciting news! My new romantic/dark fantasy book, Queen of Darkness, is coming soon! I have the cover and description below: 

A prophecy, a curse, and a group of cloaked strangers was all it took to send Juliet Harrington’s life upside down. Escaping an arranged marriage set up by her father to help her dying mother, Juliet ran away with the man she truly loved, leaving her family behind. But when she was attacked by a group of men in the forest, she watches her beloved die and becomes something she never wanted to be: a vampire. For over two hundred years, Juliet has lived in what was once her family cottage in the woods of France, her relatives having lived and died centuries ago. Her peaceful life is destroyed when the vampires who sired her discover the power in her blood and the darkness in her veins. Forced to run, Juliet will have to learn who to trust, all while resisting the darkness, or letting it take her.




I don't have a strict publication date for it, probably because I literally just thought it up the other night (the idea came to me in a dream). So I can't tell you for sure when it's coming out, but I know it's going to be soon. 
I hope you all like it! 


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15.08.2020, 10:25:07

Nice! Looking forward to it :D

Olivia Gordon Reid
15.08.2020, 17:12:11

Luna, Thank you Luna! I’m excited to get it published.

Super Duper
15.08.2020, 01:00:17

Sounds good! And the cover looks nice.

Olivia Gordon Reid
15.08.2020, 01:03:05

Super Duper, Thanks Holly! Glad you think so :)

Roza Csergo
15.08.2020, 00:45:21

Sounds really interesting. Looking forward to its publication.

Olivia Gordon Reid
15.08.2020, 00:54:20

Roza Csergo, Thank you Roza! Hope you like it.

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