Hello Everyone!!!

Hope y'all are doing good in your writing or reading. If you need anything, don't hesitate to comment below and I'll see how I could assist. I may be talking to a person out there. I don't know if that's you. Again, I want to use this opportunity to promote my work."ADDICTED, and Regained My LOVE (When the past hunts)

They may not be your type but they'll spring up something in you that you never expected. I'm Ghassan as you can see above and I'm a young writer who is still learning and discovering other skills. Please help make out the best for our audiences and review if led to. 

I do have some writer's mistake and others so, do not mind. I'm presently working on other books and they are going to progress. Hope this makes sense to someone out there. 

Secondly, I have another short book called "What Truly Is". Some people must have read it as I see in the views but I do know they didn't really understand. While maybe, some did but just decide to be silent. This book carries what I will say not only the truth but a truth which 99.5% don't want it to be heard all over.

And I love that. You mustn't necessarily comment but the fact that I see views increasing there, I LOVE IT!! What's important is people getting the message. The words within may sound similar in boldness to what a certain doctor (I won't call her name) talked about in the USA and her words where disclosed from the public yet, she still rains because CNN promoted it for her..LOL

Well, those who are in the same spirit as I am will understand what I meant in that book. You can get to my profile and take a look. You'll know exactly what I'm talking about. I'm open to critics. Because I know the mission I'm into and it's not going to be easy. There are more ahead and no one will stop me or band it because JESUS is the center of my life. Some of you reading will know what I'm talking about in the Future. 

Don't want to espatiate a lot but just take a look at them if you want to. I know of some loyal readers and I appreciate them for their time. You could join us an explore another world you haven't heard of. As for my other books, they could surely be at your taste just with the covers but they may not really be what y'all want to get into. Hahaha...(Y'all will not truly understand this either) 

I was lead to write this blog because of a video I just watch which I'm certain if I put into any social media, it will be removed because no one wants the truth hence, y'all will keep suffering till you decay. Nothing more, nothing less. Anyways, thanks for your time and have a spending day for those already in dawn and night for those in bed. 


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