New book alert! (again)

Hey, everyone!

Even though I'm not officially back yet, I just wanted to let you know that I have a new book coming soon. I came up with the idea when my art teacher gave us a project in which we had to make a book cover. After I made it, I came up with a story behind it, and it seemed too interesting not to write. The book is called Fragmented and is going to be a dark/epic fantasy. I don't know when it'll come out, seeing as I'm still busy with school, but it'll come eventually. The annotation goes something like this:

My name is Ava Carter. That's all I know. Because when I wake up in an alley, scarred, naked, and alone, that's the only thing I remember. All of my memories are foggy and jumbled, coming to me in fragments. The only thing I'm able to see is a memory of a man. Something tells me he’s important. Something tells me I need to find him. Because he has answers. Answers to why I have scars. To why I don’t remember anything. And why I have a sinking feeling my name is not Ava Carter.
When I get sent to an asylum, I find him there. I know he knows me, but he won’t give me answers. Because the answers I seek are too dangerous. When I do some digging, I begin to understand. The line between good and evil begins to blur. I have to figure out who I was and who I will be. Before it’s too late.

I hope you guys like it, if it ever comes out. I'm really excited to publish it. 

In other news, I'm still on hiatus. Another chapter of The Unnaturals might come out, but I'm not completely sure. The Night Fox is still on hold as I write the draft, and Hidden in the Shadows Book Three updates are going to be slow as I figure out what parts go where. Again, thank you all for your patience. I promise all this waiting won't be in vain. 

Stay safe, and I'll see you soon. 


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