Houston in September - Chapters 10-11 Up!
Good Evening, Morning, Afternoon,
To all my fellow readers and authors who are burning the midnight oil, or are up before the crack of noon compelled out of their beds by a blazing desire to write.
I threw down the next chapters more fleshed out than the last and went back to capture some more nits that I found. I'm flying through these last few chapters, trying to get them down so I can start the harder part of refining, editing, removing superfluous wording (I should have taken the name "SuperWordyChick".)
Please feel free to ask questions, clarify, points that don't make much sense. Sometimes when authors/writers look at their works they develop blind spots, or blinders which prevent them from seeing the glaring errors that would otherwise leap up at them without the level of familiarity they have with their work.
I was advised once to let my work 'age' for at least a month, then go through it with a fine tooth comb and write out all the scenes, making sure dead characters who were legitimately dead stayed that way.
Anyhow, I'm rambling, time for some shut eye.
Stay healthy, stay wild. Shine on you crazy diamonds!
p.s. Oh yeah, here's a link. You know, cause it's easier to find the stuff!
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