Update on Affair With The Billionaire

Hello, my lovely readers. 

Hope you're doing fine. 

This is just a quick check-in to let you all know I finished Affair With The Billionaire. YAAAY!!!

Please allow me to catch my breath and make some edits before posting it all at once to not ruin the climax.

It's been a 4-day "drown in coffee or write" experience, with minimal sleep and constant brain activity. But 12k words later, I'm sooo happy it's done. 

It's a steamy billionaire story, with a lot of emphasis on the "steamy" part.

Click on the link below if you want to check it out. 


I've been very sick the past few months and had surgery 2 weeks ago. The first week post-op was terrible. I was in a lot of pain. But thankfully, in the second week, the pain subsided and things are looking brighter. 

Thank you sincerely for all the love and support you showed me. It's great to have readers like you. 

! ! ! 

I came across the use of a writerly lingo and I'd like to explain it. 

Basically, the expression "not my original work" means it's FANFICTION. 

You take two characters from a story you like and give them a completely NEW storyline.

For example, if I take Hae So and Wang Wook from the Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Korean drama and give them a happy ending with 3 giggly toddlers running around in an orchard. Wook reaches up and picks an apple, cleans it, and gives it to Hae So. She takes a bite with a wide smile on her face and they are happier than ever. The end. = this is new because it never happened in the original drama and it's fanfiction. 

If you notice anyone using such terms in blog posts or book descriptions, he or she is probably reaping the benefits of another writer's hard work. Please report it to the booknet support team so that they can investigate it and take action. 

That's it for now. 

Thanks for reading this post and thanks for all your support and encouragement. 

Stay tuned for a MEGA SURPRIZE on Sunday the 13th. 

Much love, Roza 




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Olivia Gordon Reid
07.12.2020, 17:20:54

Wow, congrats on finishing! What an achievement! I'm so happy to hear you're doing better! And I also admire your boldness to point out this author. What a terrible thing for them to do! Do you know their name? I'd like to see if they've copied my work or others so I can warn them. Plagiarizing is not okay!

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Olivia Gordon Reid
07.12.2020, 16:41:11

Roza Csergo, Wow, that's great! Hopefully, I'll be able to read a story of yours soon, but I'm still busy with school. Again, congrats! So exciting. And good, as they should! I'm glad she got what she deserved. Thanks for telling me!

Zsuzsa Eigel
07.12.2020, 16:02:16

Well done honey. Get well soon. Waiting eagerly to read it. Sorry to see about the other author. She should learn not to take what's not hers.

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Zsuzsa Eigel
07.12.2020, 15:29:09

Roza Csergo, Don't worry. They were not true fans.

Marilyn Lucero
07.12.2020, 11:06:48

How horrible! Perhaps the writer of these stories does not know she's being plagiarized. I appreciate your boldness to point her out/

On the other hand, congratulations on completing this beautiful story!

Show 2 відповідей
Marilyn Lucero
07.12.2020, 10:55:19

Roza Csergo, I'm already so excited to read it.

Emma Swan
07.12.2020, 10:38:38

You go, girl!!!!! Proud of you!

Roza Csergo
07.12.2020, 09:42:34

Emma Swan, Thanks. I'm taking a stand for what I believe in.

Bola Oladotun
07.12.2020, 10:14:08

Please take time to rest health is wealth we need you in your perfect health

Roza Csergo
07.12.2020, 09:29:33

Bola Oladotun, Thank you so much for your kind words. Many blessings to you and your loved ones.

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