The Heiress, Completed!

It took me four months to finish this 32-chapter novel and now that it's finally done, I just don't really know how to describe my happiness. I feel so giddy that I couldn't even put my emotions into words. I know writing and polishing a novel takes a lot of time and effort and four months is not enough to make it perfect. That is why during the on-going process, readers may have noticed a lot of revisions and I apologize for that. Even in this completed version, I have put a lot of efforts in editing the whole thing. Some chapters have been revised so it's up to you to start reading it again from the beginning or you can just go directly to where you stopped. Anyway, thank you so much ????... I honestly feel so discouraged because of the challenges I faced but indeed I learned that such challenges open our hearts and minds to make BETTER decisions and CHOOSE BETTER solutions. The journey also taught me the importance of editing hence as a beginner, I realized that I should not publish an update without at least looking into it and checking for errors. Most importantly, I learned that behind every success is that little heart of yours; a heart that holds a big space for diligence, perseverance, and open mindedness.
Thank you, Booknet readers and members for making this happen.

This has been an unforgettable experience for me.

"The Heiress" (completed)
©plumealter (2020)

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Roza Csergo
16.01.2021, 14:03:40

Congratulations on finishing this book! You did great.
Moving on to the new contest. Are going to enter?

Show 2 відповідей
Roza Csergo
16.01.2021, 13:52:35

Plume Alter, Of course, you have my support. I love your writing.

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