The Endgame teaser!

Hey gang, want a little teaser of things to come in The Endgame? Release date is April 12th !!


He breathed deep, “I don’t want to hurt you Amber.”

“You won’t. I love you Grayson.”

“I love you too. And that’s why last night can’t happen again Amber. I don’t want to risk it. And I don’t want Leo getting hurt either. I’m unstable. And this is only bound to end badly.”

Amber pulled back from the hug. If that was what Grayson really wanted, then she would respect his decision. But while his mouth said those words, she doubted it was what his heart wanted.

“Is that what you really want?” she questioned, “because we all had a good time. And it felt right. You know it did Grayson.”

He turned around to face her head on.

“And what do you propose Amber? That the three of us keep carrying on and f*******? Like it’s some sustainable relationship?”

“Yes I do. I love both of you. And I’m not going to choose between you. F*** what the world has to say about it Grayson! All that matters is what we want.”

“There will come a time when you have to choose Amber,” he said softly.

“I already f****** have. It’s the three of us. Always and forever.”


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Karla Roach
03.04.2021, 06:51:37

I think if Greyson would loosen up all three of them could be happy together. I also think he may be a little bisexual and scared to admit it. I think it is going to take sweet Leo to bring it out...

AnnaRCase guru
03.04.2021, 19:35:40

Karla Roach, Only time will tell :)

31.03.2021, 18:06:01

Just a little more please : ) I miss reading about them.

Show 2 відповідей
01.04.2021, 08:45:07

AnnaRCase, Awesome!!! Thank you!!

AndyWendy Hudson
31.03.2021, 16:09:36

I am so excited!!! Cannot wait to read it!!! I love Leo and Grayson but I want her ad Grayson to be together. I want Leo happy to, maybe find someone else. I'm also hoping Grayson does the drug trial. Oh my goodness I can't wait❤

AnnaRCase guru
31.03.2021, 22:18:37

AndyWendy Hudson, It'll be here before you know it:)

Doris Valdiviezo
31.03.2021, 15:19:41

Oh my goodness why are you sooooo cruel..... more I want mooooree please

AnnaRCase guru
31.03.2021, 15:43:39

Doris Valdiviezo, Cruel? I'm giving you fixes to hold you over until April 12th.:)

A Pamela Carlisle-Calix
31.03.2021, 14:04:19

Love it love it can not wait to read it

Show 2 відповідей
A Pamela Carlisle-Calix
31.03.2021, 14:33:52

AnnaRCase, I know you are you are a very dedicated writer snd person in all you do

A Pamela Carlisle-Calix
31.03.2021, 14:03:55

Love it can the 12th already hurry up and get here my $$$ for the book burning a hole in my PayPal account lol

Show 2 відповідей
A Pamela Carlisle-Calix
31.03.2021, 14:33:06

AnnaRCase, Well then it will just burn a hole in my pocket I’m so excited I can’t wait to read it

Danita Springfield
31.03.2021, 12:05:25

Great scene. Felt real.

AnnaRCase guru
31.03.2021, 14:27:37

Danita Springfield, Thank you :)

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