Sneak peek.

"You think that by asking my hand in marriage you can defeat me. This project is mine and I won't let you trick me, ``Dhara said entering Ranvijay's office angrily, her hands fisted by her side.


"Miss Singh, I don't like the tone of your voice. Don't forget we are in my office and you are going to be my wife," Ranvijay said calmly leaning back in his chair.


She went near Ranvijay and stared in his eyes "I will not marry you Ranvijay."


Ranvijay stood up, pulled her towards him and held her tightly in his arms "you will because I need you, Dhara," he said in an intense voice.


She kept staring in his eyes, swallowing the heaviness in her throat she drew in a sharp breath to calm her racing heart. "You have to be mine only Ranvijay. I don't care about Tanvisha or what your relationship with her was. What I care about is your 100 percent loyalty, will you be able to give it to me?"


Ranvijay closed her eyes for a second his  then opened them again "Tanvisha died for me the day I broke up with her. And I Ranvijay Singh Rathore promise you Dhara singh that you will be the only woman in my life. My queen Dhara Singh Rathore."


Dhara swallowed again and nodded,"my parents accepted your proposal Mr Rathore but I did not and if you want  me to marry you than you have to propose me. Only then i will say yes to this marriage," saying that she pushed him away from herself. Ranvijay nodded at her.


"Oh, and one more thing Mr Rathore I don't like the rose petals decorations. Try something new and unique for me. Don't let me regret my decision..." She said smirking and Ranvijay smiled at her.


" Challenge Accepted, My queen."




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13.12.2021, 13:45:55

Oh good super excited now ?

Dey Jor Khe
13.11.2021, 11:45:43

So excited ??

swati bagade
12.11.2021, 15:31:23

Was very interesting

Sayyed Hina
12.11.2021, 10:19:47

Excited for the next chapters!! Things are going to be so interesting now the story has begin!!!!

12.11.2021, 09:58:34

It's going to be interesting

12.11.2021, 09:36:14

Wow excellent chapter. So exciting to read another best story of your. Please update soon

Manasa Gupta
12.11.2021, 09:35:45

wowowow... waiting for this update

Manju Aeri
12.11.2021, 09:11:32

I am sooo excited for s wonderful reading.

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