"Slave To The Demon" Update!

Excerpt from the book


He looked down at the picture. Two of his enemies were smiling into the lens of the camera. His insides burned. He looked at his hands that were holding the paper. He was scarred, ruined for life. But they? Life had smiled down upon both of them. It had taken him months to accept the reality, to see himself, to accept that he was dead. He was vanished from the face of the earth.

But he was not going to give up. He was ready. The chaos was in order. He was the master, again. They had found each other, and he had found their weaknesses. It was going to be sooooo much fun. He smiled in the darkness and crumpled the paper. Troy Wilson, Sarah Williams, I am coming.


"You thought the book ended? Happily ever after? Oh! No, No, No, No. The story has just started."

Happy Reading!!

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Neelam Salve Naik
01.12.2021, 20:39:47

I read this notification after reading today's chapter....

So i presume there is more to come now that they are together ... which i desperately wanted as conveyed to u earlier.

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Neelam Salve Naik
02.12.2021, 07:12:36

Sarah Brown, Pleased to know that.... Wishing you all the luck for this phenomenal work....

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