Dark Romance , Free

" You ask what have done to deserve this, people like you deserve to be like this, trashed and emptied from the society, you should be happy I am ready to use your, Feel bless, or with this bulky and chubby body of yours, who would want a Whore like you, did 'nt you always wanted this, marrying me and being the QUEEN, you got the title, are you happy; you should be happy, Remember it is just between us that shitty marriage thing, nobody else should no it and you not should use it's right.






I will taint you but in a Royal way, NOT now but yes, I will do it when you let your guard down, I will your most dreadful nightmare, once from which you will never wake up, I will tarnish you in a way,  that you, yourself will loathe your FILTHY  EXISTENCE" saying this much to add her horror, he increases his pace inside her,  breathing ragged,  she arched her neck, as she felt some knot tightening in her womb, something which needed to be released, something which should be out, What she did not know, her body heated up, she wanted to go away from here, clutch his arm ask him to stop; How can she? ,  her throat felt dry.






she released on his hand, breathing high and uneven, her body beyond warm, he threw her on the floor, her head struck the marble floor, blood seeped out of there.









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Zarah Muhammed
10.09.2022, 02:24:54

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