New novel - Chase

Would you like to read a werewolf novel where the female lead is in pursuit to look for a new pack? And possibly find someone she least expected to come? Another Chase is about to begin! (I always wanted to write a story about different kinds of wolves) Check out my profile and don't forget to click that follow button! Tell me what you felt after reading, share it with your friends and leave some stars too! 


Here's some snippet:

I didn't take my gaze away from the closed doors as my mind raced around the lingering shock of finally finding my mate. The scent was enticing. As I confessed, my quiet voice trembled slightly. "I can smell my mate, and I'm afraid he'll reject me; I don't think I can bear that kind of pain."

Rejection was a terrible fate, and I knew it wasn't an exaggeration or something you could easily shake because I'd met a few people who had been rejected. I could feel the pain of their broken heart as well as the scars on their soul that had forever changed them, even years or decades later. The agony of rejection drove many people to commit suicide or to become feral wolves. I had no desire to even think about going through such agony.

The four were completely taken aback, having no idea that my mate was among the people inside. I was tempted to flee to the hills rather than stay here, but the desire to find my soul's other half kept my feet from running away. That speck of hope kept me from fleeing, at least for the time being.

I looked around at the four people around me to see how they were reacting. All four had a vacant look in their eyes, indicating that an intense mindlink discussion between them was taking place in front of me. I could hear movement inside the house as three people exited through the back door and the rest gathered in a large room near the front door.

"I mindlinked the people inside. There are several who don't have a mate yet. Anyone with possible thoughts about rejecting you have left the house through a different exit. The rest are waiting eagerly for you. They do know you are a runt and are currently a rogue, and it doesn't bother any of them," Liam said, meeting my eyes.

I paid close attention to his expression. He was telling the truth and had most likely interrogated every wolf inside. My mate was close enough to me that I could tell he was annoyed or dissatisfied with those who had left. With trepidation, I nodded and looked at the doors.

That doorway was a two-way road. If I walk through it and met my mate, I had two options. One is to have a potentially happy mate bond. The second is rejection, which would cripple my entire being.

Rejection was uncommon, but it was not unheard of. It primarily affected those who were rogues, Omegas, or runts. Once they caught the scent, the average werewolf would have flown through that door to find their other half. As a runt, I stood a good chance of being rejected. Fortunately, Liam's intervention reduced those odds. It was the only reason I moved slowly and cautiously towards the front door.

The formation of the mate bond required eye contact, and I was going to keep an eye on my feet until I was sure I wasn't going to be rejected. I was going to approach this situation with caution and care. I… I don’t want to go insane once the rejection is done.

As Yap opened the door, I walked forward slowly, my gaze fixed on the ground. They would undoubtedly notice that I was nervous. The enticing scent was stronger in here, making it difficult to concentrate. Yap and Luigi led the way, and I followed hesitantly. Liam and Mel trailed behind, possibly to keep me from fleeing in terror. I shook my head in an attempt to clear it, but it didn't work.

My Omega senses were malfunctioning, which made me feel even more uneasy. All I could smell was coal. It had begun to glow as soon as I entered the house, and it was overpowering my Omega senses. I couldn't pick up on anything else, only the strong scent.

The now-blazing coal had to be my mate. Our proximity was gradually reawakening the mate bond. He was only a few steps away. I could hear whispering, but none of the voices belonged to my mate. He’s silent.

"Hey, Reed, have you smelled anything yet?" a random guy asked.

"Nothing overpowering, just the four guys and a foresty smell.” And that must be his friend, Reed.

"Yeah, neither did I, but we'll have to ask her later how she cloaked her scent like that. That is so cool."

I nervously followed Yap and Luigi around, making sure to keep my eyes down. It was difficult because my rogue instincts made me want to look around to assess the situation and look for possible escape routes, despite the fact that there were over a dozen people in the room. The scent was driving me insane already. I wondered what someone would look like if they wore that scent. Nothing could ever compare; I… I adored that scent.

As I walked into the room, there was complete silence. A few moments later, I heard a set of heavy footsteps approaching me. I heard a couple of them exhale in surprise. "You've got to be kidding me," one of the earlier voices murmured.

At that comment, I came to a halt and shifted my weight uncomfortably. My presence had not surprised them; rather, the identity of whoever was approaching me had. To say the least, it made me nervous.

My fear and anxiety made me want to look up to see what had them so taken aback, but my mind knew that I would almost certainly make eye contact. As I sensed my mate approaching me in silence, I kept my eyes down. The glow of the coal in my mind was far too strong, flickering with tiny flares of fire, and it completely overpowered everything else in my senses. And when he stopped in front of me, I trembled slightly with nerves and fear.

“Can you look me in the eyes?” he said, softly. His voice was deep and it tickles my heart just hearing his voice, how much more if I look at him?

“I can’t… I can’t take it,” I mumbled, shutting my eyes close. Then I opened them with a sigh. “If you plan to turn me down, then do it now.”


Lots of love,



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