Werewolf's Bane - Updates

Werewolf's Bane

Time is winding down with a little over 30 days left on the clock in terms of the bound by the moon contest. I've been updating daily but find myself working through the novel, adding on detail that enriches the story. 

I also took the opportunity to read my work publicly and post a couple of sample chapters on Wattpad (Under 10K so I don't forfeit the contest rules), and I took the work out to a LIVE read to test it out on the seasoned writers I interact with. Some have been writing for 30 years, and I often feel like a baby author! LOL

So, you might imagine my surprise (I was gobsmacked) when a woman came to me after I read the chapter Arragaithel (Hel) - The Alpha and said it reminded her of Anne Rice's unfinished series 'The Wolf Gift Chronicles.'  (I've never read these books!) 

I went home, trying to explain to the non-bookish in my house who Anne Rice was and why this was such a fantastic compliment. 

As I kept writing, I realized I had a plot hole where Hel's absence and sudden reappearance didn't fit with the story. I needed to go back and discuss where he was for those four days he was absent and what transpired because the scene will explain how loyalties will play out in the future and some of the driving factors behind the way the plot progresses. 

I hope you are writing your little fingers off, I know I am! 

Best of luck to all contestants --- we can do this *finger hearts!*

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Marilyn Lucero
02.06.2022, 14:51:20

I've been trapped with work-related stuff that took my time away.

02.06.2022, 19:06:25

Marilyn Lucero, Sorry to hear. Hopefully, things will smooth out for you and you can get back to it. It's hard to juggle all the things.

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