Continuous Updates to Werewolf's Bane

Werewolf's Bane

With nine days left in the Bound by the Moon contest a lot of us authors are racing toward the deadline trying to tie together the storyline we've created. My book is no different. Though I started late, I've managed to create a story I've enjoyed writing and am now trying to pare back some of the larger ideas that cannot be wrapped up in a single book. Additionally, I'm still working my way through fractures in the plot line, and dead ends that I've found, as well as working it through a vocal reading so I can catch some of the dead spots which don't seem to add anything further. This would be the reason behind some of the multiple updates to some of the front chapters. I also wanted to add some of the more romantic character building required and correct some of the faults I saw in my male lead. 

Particularly the scene where Hel speaks to the barkeep a second time, and the woman is giving her husband a steely eye because he's babbling to the customers and not giving attention to his duty and to holding up his end of the bargain in terms of workload.

One of the complaints I've heard is that sometimes female author's uphold misogynistic viewpoints and as I read it, I felt that it did that. In this instance, the man was shirking his duties and I felt in terms of character arc Hel is so much about seeing people treated well, he'd take the man to task for his inaction which is precisely what happened. In some way it was also a nod to many of the women who do the brunt of the work, and the men who take credit for it.

Rosalind Franklin immediately springs to mind, among others. 

Rosalind Franklin - Chemist


Till next time, happy reading and writing.

S.E. Saunders


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