The Broken Hearts Story: Chapter 17

Hey, everyone! How are you doing? Hope you're all having a very nice day. I've just began to update my book "The Broken Hearts Story" with Chapter 17.

If you want, you can check the first part of this chapter out and tell me what you think of it. If you aren't aware, I usually write long chapters and separate them in a few little parts for your best experience. I will continue to post little parts of every single chapter per day. So, you will keep getting regular updates while I'm working on the next chapter. If I finish working earlier and have some parts of Chapter 17 unpublished, I will make them public on the same day and then post Chapter 18.

All the parts are scheduled to be published every day at 7:00 AM PST // 10:00 AM EST. So, you can come back at this time and check the new updates.

We are getting closer and closer to the finish line! Only a few more chapters before the end of this book. Before I start working on the next one. And if you're interested, here's a little spoiler: the story is going to be focused on the couple that participates in the first scene of this chapter. If you're interested, wait! I promise it's going to be very interesting. I know my books are super long, but I still have something to say. Something to reveal.

I don't exclude I might post shortened versions of "The Sins Of The Past" and "The Broken Hearts Story" after I publish the last chapter, and delete and shorten some scenes to make them more comfortable to read. I'm not sure about it yet. Anyway, stay tuned for the news and read the new chapter :)

I would really appreciate if you took a look at my works, liked them, added them to your library and told me what you think. It would give me stronger motivation to continue to work on my stories that I want to tell. And your commens on the grammar and punctuation mistakes would also be very good for me as English is not my first language, and I may sometimes write something wrong.

Have a nice day :)

Love, Estrella Rose.


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