
Good evening, loves. 

Hope everything's going well on your end. Today, I'm here with a recommendation of a book written by one of the loveliest authors Sruthi Onyx 

She has recently indulged herself into this fantastic literary magic, and it would be safe to say she is doing amazing here. Here, I am recommending one of the books 'ATHENA' which is an ongoing one. Though, she has two free books that are waiting to be read by you. 

So, what are you waiting for? Read the blurb that I'm leaving here and click on the link down below, and do not forget to like the book and hit the follow button. 


He yanked her hair, and she stood there looking confused. He perched behind her, blowing a hot puff of air on her neck, “Wondering what this is?” he asked her, but she said nothing. “You want an escape, I am giving it to you,” he smirked, her purple eyes met with his green ones, and there was darkness in it, a certain kind that makes your knees buckle, “I will let you go,” he smirked. But, she doubted it, “this is a maze” he took out a cigarette, lighting and blew a puff of air on her face, and she coughed. “If you make it out, you win,” he licked his lips, rubbing hers with his thumb, “But,” he bent closer, whispered in her ear, “If I find you, I rail you,” he pulled back, eyeing her with amusement. "Run, Raven, Run," he laughed like a lunatic. He took a step, forcing her to bolt.

Book Link: ATHENA


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Sruthi Onyx
03.12.2022, 15:03:45

Thank you so much Nina. Means a lot

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