Second book vs the first book

Hello my lovely readers!

I was supposed to update for both of my yesterday but I had busy and the most annoying thing, I don't why but I had a severe headache just above my right ear. I could not concentrate much. I feel bad to actually deliver this. See, I really love both of my books ' The Business Love ' and the recently introduced ' Destined to the devil '. One has my heart and the other has obsessed my mind so much lately. I like both the stories and I really wish to share them with you but I don't have any response on both the books. I can wait for your responses on the second book as I understand I just started it but the first book, I have been requesting multiple times untill now there on every chapter. So I am pressing the pause to concentrate on my second book. I don't know if you want to share your views for the first book even after multiple requests which people are not doing. I feel bad to pause on it. Tell me about your views on the second book. I know that story might sound slightly similar to something really known to a lot of people( a series) but that something means a lot to me. It's my motivation. Please check ' Destined To The Devil '. It is in my profile. I hope you like it. Thankyou!



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