The Destined Marriage


When God makes its own decisions to make you where you belong!

What can a man do when someone he was meant to spend his whole life with ran away after stealing a ton of money from his account with his own best friend?

Standing at the altar which was supposed to make his life filled with loads of love, on the contrary, betrayal and heartbroken was the only way he felt.

Amidst the chaos in his heart, his parents had to save him. In order to mend his broken soul, the same day, the same time and at the same altar, they made him marry the daughter of their best friends, Liora.

Liora, or say Lia, is a precious little soul of her dear ones. She wins all the hearts of people wherever she goes.

On her parent’s request, she married the broken guy and accepted the marriage from her heart and soul.

Can she cure him?

Can this accidental destined marriage ever work?



Reciting a lovely fairytale of billionaires, an innocent girl Liora Evans and a broken but tough man Tristian Black, who fight together to make a little happy bubble for themselves.


Shanaya :)


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