Sad News About Booknet
Hello, everyone. I think you've already seen the news that the English version of Booknet will no longer be available from June, 1st. This piece of news gets me very sad and shocked, because I really love this site and am so happy to publish my works here. The good thing is that I've already completed my book "The Secrets Hiddden In The Scars", and I don't have to ask myself what to do if the site will be closed. Otherwise, I would've been discouraged.
I still don't know if I will publish the shortened edition of my recently completed book when it's going to be removed anyway. I am working on it so hard and already want to share it with you. Though, I can exactly say I will not start publishing my fourth book on this site. My passion for writing is not gone, but sadly, I have to continue my business on other platforms.
Anyway, I want to thank everyone, who have noticed my books, added them to their library, liked them, and even left comments (yeah, I've received just a couple of them, but still). It's been a real pleasure to publish my works here and see the number of views growing. I am not a paid author and will hardly become the one, but I am already happy with what I have reached because I understand any success requires a super hard work. And thank you to the people that decided to follow my page. I appreciate your attention and hope I didn't annoy you with my updates and blogs.
Before Booknet closes its doors, I've decided to allow users to download ALL my books and stories. Yes, I am letting you download my books for FREE in case you want to read them. I usually hate allowing downloads, but now I want to make an exclusion. However, remember that I want to edit them slightly and re-publish chapters within several days. So, if you have an interest in at least one of my works, you will not lose it after downloading it from the site and adding it to your tablet or phone.
And last, if you want to continue to follow my journey in the world of writers, you can find me on other reading platforms and social networks (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook) and also check my personal author blog where I post all news and more exclusive information that can let you fall into the world of my stories deeper. I don't think that links to the other sites are allowed. So, you can find the links to all my accounts on my profile.
Anyway, I am wishing luck to all the writers from Booknet on their works and hope you, guys, will be successful on other platforms. You are all beautiful, talented, and awesome. Never give up on your dreams and always follow the sound of your heart <3
Lots of love, Estrella Rose.
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