Not a good bye!

Hi, lovely readers. I hope you guys are doing well. 

As a lot of us already know that Booknet is shutting down on the 1st of June, and we have to say goodbye to this amazing platform. This platform gave me a lot of opportunities to flourish as a writer, a lot of amazing readers and some good friends. I will always be grateful to my lovely readers who have been supporting me constantly since I joined Booknet. I want to thank all of my readers for supporting me always. 

However, it's not a goodbye though Booknet is shutting down. You guys can follow me on Instagram to connect with me. My IG account is ' Artemisia738'

My ongoing books 'Captive' and His Addiction sequel ' His Claim' are already published on another platform. Details are posted on my IG account. 

See you guys on another platform. Thank you again. A lot of love for you. 






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Ad MK Shafali
29.05.2023, 17:06:16

Totally bad & worst decision to close such a amazing platform & breaking heart of many

Bernice Opoku
29.05.2023, 12:57:58

Please which platform

28.05.2023, 21:07:50

Please update captive soon:(

28.05.2023, 18:13:50

It's really saddening that this platform is shutting down
But it's glad that it's not stopping you from writing.... All the best for your further journey
Lots of love to your works... Love you author.... I'll keep supporting you

Show 3 відповідей
Jannat Ara Ria (Artemisia)
28.05.2023, 20:33:43

Nusrat Mitu, W.a.t.t.p.a.d
Remove the dots while typing.

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