Thank You Stars!!!!

Hey Stars!

I hope you all are doing well. This is just a short notice about removing “His Triantafyllo” from Booknet as you all might already be knowing that English books would no longer be available here. 

Also, I’m really sorry. I know I said I would complete the story but I am having my final exams of last semester, I couldn’t get the time to write it and honestly, the stress that comes along with exams also played a significant role there. There is a lot of stress about various things to do now that college is finished. But good thing is, after exams, I only have my coaching to go to and rest of the time would be devoted to writing.

Please check my Insta story for knowing the other platform I’ll be using to continue “His Triantafyllo” and other stories for the time being.

I’m sorry to all those invested in the story of XANLET to change platforms. It might be annoying, I know but I have no other choice right now.

I really do hope our family of stars would still be there in my next platform and we could continue to enjoy various romance fics together.

I never thought Booknet would ever be closing English books and it’s sad because I got to know so many different and amazing readers here and my book was appreciated and loved here. 

So I really hope to interact with you all in the other platforms too!

Take care everyone!



Also, “Abandoned Wife” is on 20% sale on right now. So all those who interested in it, quickly catch up! wife

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Syeda Noorah
31.05.2023, 15:05:54

Insta I'd?

31.05.2023, 18:29:47

Syeda Noorah, its @starsarestarry

link is also provided on my booknet profile. thank you!

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