We Gotta Keep Moving On

Hello, everyone! I decided to make this post to say goodbye before Booknet shuts down. I really loved this place and am really sorry to see it will no longer be available in a few hours. Anyway, my journey as a writer is not finished, and I contunue to write books and short stories. I will just do it on other platforms and try to get some followers there.

To your information, I've already started working on my new book called "The Lost And Forgotten Memories" and published two chapters. If you're interested in reading it, I suggest you follow me on Wattpad (@Estrella__Rose) and Inkitt (@EstrellaRose) where it's posted. Also, you can check out my Instagram and Twitter account (@Estrella__Rose for both) and my author blog to be aware of news about my books. Just in case, all the links can be found in my profile.

Even if nobody knew me here, I wish all of you luck on your writing career and hope you will write many incredible and touching stories that will be able to surprise people and make you happy that your effort was worth hours of work. You are all beautiful, talented, and awesome. Never give up on your dreams and always follow the sound of your heart <3

Goodbye, Booknet! Goodbye, everyone!

Love, Estrella Rose.


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