Campus Romance Shortlist

Hello everyone!

The application period of the contest Campus Romance is over. We have discovered many awesome stories thanks to you. Here is the list of participants who fulfilled all the requirements and will be competing for the trips to Portland.

"Candy Lips" - Alexandra Marie
"English Accent" - velucieraptor
"Nabilah" - Lily Orevba
"Not a 'LOVE' Story" - Amy Sparks
"Someone to Watch Over Me" - Ruechari
"The Artist's Inspiration" - SavannahGeorgia
"The Dragon and The Lion" - JungAidee
"The Way It Goes" - Manar Matroud
"Truth Or Dare" - Emlika M
"When Love Dies" - Osaro Oghadeva

Contest moderators are reading these stories now.

If you can't find your story on the list, that means that you didn't follow all the requirements mentioned in the competition rules.

Pay attention that Litnet has to be the only place where the competing stories are published in full before the final winner is announced. 

Good luck!


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11.03.2019, 14:10:11

The list of finalists is up! Check it out

Harshini Vaskan
02.03.2019, 21:46:35

Can my book "UNTIL I MET U" be a part of this ?

Show 10 відповідей
Harshini Vaskan
04.03.2019, 13:51:48

Keira, okay...

03.03.2019, 07:34:20

Congratulations to the authors who got passed :) but I hope litnet should have message or e-mail the authors who did not pass, so we will know what rules we did not follow cause some authors got confused and of course they need the reason why.. Just my opinion, but still I like litnet more :)

04.03.2019, 12:58:19

R O N A, Hello Rona, we have sent you an email.

Lindsey Yow
04.03.2019, 02:42:22

When will we know who won?

04.03.2019, 12:44:40

Lindsey Yow, Hello, the jury is reading right now all the stories of contestants. We will notify everyone when the finalists are chosen. Thanks for your patience.

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