Interview With Chibi Cazielle

Interview of Chibi Cazielle

by Roza Csergo

Hello, everybody, and thanks for reading Author’s Spotlight! This is an interview for all of you Booknet fans out there. Today we have Chibi Cazielle, another amazing Booknet writer. Hello, Chibi!

Hi, Roza! Thank you so much for giving me the chance to present myself to my sweet readers and to others that are curious about me. I am ecstatic to be a part of this and I am very much honored.


Could you please introduce yourself and tell us about your roots, upbringing, and education? Who are you? 

I grew up in the Philippines and the youngest of five siblings. I’m a graduate of a vocational course, and I finished my studies when I was 19. I’m single (just in case you wanna know) and still have no plans of getting married. I love my freedom. It gives me the opportunity to explore myself, do what I want, and I’m definitely away from stress and heartaches.


Is your family supportive of your writing? 

Yes. They know how much I love to write.


Are you using a pen name? Is there a specific reason behind it?

Yes. While my pen name gives me the power to work on my fantasy, my real name is a reminder that I still have to go back to reality.


Do you have a full-time job? If so, how do you juggle it with writing?

I don’t have. Before lockdown, I left my company because of the fear that I might get the virus from traveling. You see, to reach the office, I have to ride 3 different vehicles and it takes 2-3 hours to get there. But maybe it was a blessing in disguise too that I resigned. If not, I wouldn’t have stumbled upon Booknet. If there’s something that I’m working on aside from writing, that’s the household chores.


Are you multilingual? Which languages do you speak, and how did you learn them?

I wouldn’t say I’m fluent, but I know Japanese and Korean. I learned them from watching Animes and K-dramas.


Do you have other hobbies besides writing?

I love drawing anime characters. Watching different kinds of movies and cooking. If drinking coffee is a hobby too, then that’s my #1 hobby. 


Do you plan out your novels or you just sit down and discover them as you write?

It’s both. I plan what will happen and set the twist in the story. But as I sit down and type, my imagination flows. So, sometimes, the story becomes more complicated and another character will enter the picture. But before I make those changes, I talk to my main characters first if they are cool with it. ?


What is your favorite genre to read and write?

Who wouldn’t love romance? It’s my all time favorite! But I also love reading horror and murder mystery stories though, I haven’t tried writing it yet. Maybe soon!


Do you research world-building and layered character development?

I do, but I haven’t really mastered world-building. It’s still vague for me. As for layered character development–It’s a big yes. I think about their roots, emotions, possible fear, their personalities, and goals in life. I can create wonderful and powerful characters. Maybe that’s why when I’m writing, instead of following the plot 
I made for them; they defy me and chose to follow their own destiny.


What are the 3 things you love and 3 things you hate writing about?

I love spending time with my fantasy world where I can control almost everything in the story. Yep, almost, because like I said, my characters resist me sometimes. 

I love how my characters fall in love and have a happy ending. I hate it when I realize how loveless I am in real life. LOL!

I love to write sexy scenes. But before I could write anything, I have to stare at a blank page for almost an hour. I love it, but it’s exhausting. 


Can you, please, share with us at least 3 books that left a mark on you/influenced you in any way?

The first English book I read was Loves Music, Loves to Dance by Mary Clark Higgins. It’s a murder mystery book. It made me realize that there are different kinds of sicko in this world and they even have the guts to act as your lover or your friend and still kill you without flinching. The same goes with 1st to Die by James Patterson. And last but not the least is the Harry Potter books. It definitely made a mark on my childhood life. It was superb! Like everything in this world is magical. I even wondered if we have a platform 9 ¾ here.


Do you have any advice for beginner writers?

I have three things for us. Yes, US because I remind myself of these factors too. First, don’t give up just because you think your story sucks. If you think you didn’t do well, then find a way to upgrade your writing skills. Learn techniques and seek help from your writer friends, if you’re too shy then ask Google for help. (RIP browsing history) LOL! Second, do not compare other’s success with what you attained. They are different from you and their stories are different from yours. It will just cause major frustration on your end. Third, keep dreaming! When I was starting, I dreamt of seeing my book in the trending section and maybe in the bestseller post. And I’d always whisper to myself–SOON. Then it happened! I totally ecstatic when I learned that it appeared on both section. Dream about your goals and wake up to make them possible. Patience and perseverance is the key! 


How did you come across Booknet? 

I saw their ad on Facebook about the billionaire contest. And the funny thing about this was, I’ve been asking God for a sign on what I should do since I don’t have a job. Then the ad flashed in front of my eyes and I heard *cha- ching!* LOL! Well, I said to myself that I could at least try. I said that if I’m lucky enough, then I might win some cash prize and on top of that, I can do what I really love… and that is to write.


Can you share your insight on being a commercial author on Booknet?

Guys, I tell you… Booknet knows how to take care of their commercial authors. They don’t pressure their authors when writing which I really like and the manager is easy to contact. If you have any concerns, they’re just behind you, one email/chat away. I can say that Booknet is my home.


Do you have any future projects standing in line, waiting for you to finish your ongoing books? What are your plans for the rest of this year?

I have an ongoing book which is The Heiress Love Quest. Honestly, I’m contemplating whether I should hold it for the meantime since I plan on joining the fantasy contest. Yes! Please support me ❤ So I already have a draft of my fantasy story. Then maybe right after the contest, I can continue with THLQ. Within the year, I’m planning to start a new book – the second book after Taming Sunrise – the story of her twin Dusk. 


Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. It was great getting to know you a little better. 

Thank you so much for asking me these series of questions. I had so much fun! And I hope that you – my sweet readers and fellow writers – gained something from reading this. Wishing that I didn’t bore you. LOL! Thank you for your love and support! Keep safe and Love Lots!


AUTHOR Chibi Cazielle:

Stories by Chibi Cazielle:

Deal with the Demon:

Tied to You: (for sale $1.99) 

My Mission With You: (for sale $0.99)


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23.03.2021, 12:42:52

great interview Roza and wonderful answers Chibi. Thanks for participating

Chibi Cazielle
21.03.2021, 18:59:16

Thank you so much!

Booknet Inkslingers
22.03.2021, 13:54:18

Chibi Cazielle, You're welcome!

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